
Stories live here.

I’m a book girl, a photographer, autumn lover, and quiet prairie wanderings are good for my soul. But the important thing is the stories.

I explore beauty in the world through nature, theology, art, and stories. I want to know what it all means. I want to know amidst tragedy and hopelessness and monotony there is beauty and there is a God with a purpose. This blog is a place where I delve into the world and grasp how to write stories with meaning and purpose and a deepness that touches the soul.

I am a storyteller, an avid writer of books, I believe in impossible things, and dream best when I’m tucked away in a quiet corner by a window.

I am always writing new stories, stories I haven't finished, stories I've just begun. Because really, I have never learned how to write just one story at a time. I am a story girl. You can learn more about my books by clicking here.

I'm really just a homespun tomboy whose love of yarn and knitting is second only to writing. Oh, and my pirate name is Mad Mary Flint.

Read my blog, my book, my short stories by clicking the links below. And if you really love this place, you can subscribe and receive all my thoughts and ponderings in your inbox.

Thank you for being here!

Love, Kayla